Jocelyn Ventura Photography

Photographers $

10293 SW Village PRWY
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 Vero BeachRate and review
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Ms. Ventura is a member of the Professional Photographers of America. Beginning her editor career as a photojournalist, Jocelyn has worked for many publications in her native Dominican Republic. These include El Periodico Hoy , Mercado Media Network, Cultural Supplement Photography Pasiones, and El Caribe Newspaper to name but a few. She has also worked in commercial and event photography for numerous companies in Puerto Rico. She has worked with recognized experts in photography as well as The highly regarded Mr. Joe Colon of Puerto Rico. Later on, she chose to specialize in portrait photography which entailed weddings, corporate events, and family events. Ms. Ventura received an Arts degree with her major in photography at the USAD University located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Simultaneously, she studied indoor and outdoor lighting in various workshops. She also trained at various studios of repute where her skill in photography were honed. This proved invaluable in giving Me. Ventura inspiration and focus to her work. In addition, as a freelancer, her work has appeared in print and digital media. She has exceptional knowledge of digital photography and studio portraits in large group settings. These would include magazines, weddings, fashion Shows, Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe light room, and flash photography equipment. Jocelyn's good-natured personality helps bring out the best in her subjects by including everyone in the fun! At present, based on the greater F

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